
LQA: August 25, 2021 – 1 Kings 7:51-8:21

LQA: August 25, 2021 – 1 Kings 7:51-8:21 Lessons: 1. Actions have consequences. David wanted to build a temple for God, but the sin of David's life precluded him from doing so. Nonetheless, David honored God by storing up and dedicating treasures that would one day fill the temple. 2. God has no need for an earthly house, yet He desires to be found, to be seen, and to be known, so He locates Himself in a particular place (or object). This is why we say He is a good of means. 3. God is faithful. He will do what He has said He will do. It may be done through future generations, but God will keep His promises. Questions: Which festival was taking place when the ark was brought into the temple for the first time? For how long were the priests unable to do their work because of the cloud created by the Glory of the Lord? What happened to the manna in a jar that was once placed into the ark of the covenant...

To judge or Not to Judge...

It is often said that the Bible says we are NOT to judge, but is that really true? The truth is, Scripture seems to give a mixed message on this topic. In one place it says we are not to judge, lest we be judged. In another place it states that we should not only judge, but we should condemn and expel others from fellowship based on that judgment. Can these two teachings be reconciled? I believe so, and rather simply. We are not to judge others on how they worship, but we are to judge others on how they live. The context for not judging others in the New Testament is around religious observation: holy days, unclean food, etc. The context for judging others in the New Testament is on the basis of morality. Though none in the church are perfect, all should be seeking to live by the guidelines God has established. Someone caught cheating on their taxes or having a baby out of wedlock should not be shunned. Neither should a homosexual. But all should be counseled on what the Word o...

A Right Response to Sin?

The following is a post left on a community website I occasionally visit. The first part was written by a member of an ELCA church and is a request for guidance in how to respond to what her local congregation is currently going through in response to the ELCA decision to ordain active, practicing homosexuals for ministry. (for more on the decision, click HERE or just Google it.) The second part is the response I left on the website, one of 50+ comments, from a fairly wide variety of opinions. PART ONE Churches leaving the ELCA I currently attend a church whose Pastor is working actively to get the congregation to approve leaving the ELCA after the recent acceptance of Gay Pastors. I personally feel that this goes against the Lord as it is against rule number one, Love thy neighbor. This seems so much like people judging others and I say, let he who without sin cast the first stone. I also believe that the Lord created each of us in the manner that he wanted and he or s...

Does what we watch on TV matter?

September 11, 2009 Donna, I can’t express how disappointed I am by your comments on today’s show regarding Ellen Degeneres and the TV show American Idol. While I believe that you are entitled to your opinion, I felt strongly that I must also express mine. In response to a caller who stated that he would no longer watch or support American Idol because Ellen Degeneres is a lesbian, you asked something like, “What about everybody else’s sin. Isn’t it better that she doesn’t hide it? You can dig up dirt on anyone, anyone.” I commend your desire to love all in Jesus name, but I believe that you have mis-understood the will and desire of God regarding sin, and in so doing have cheapened his grace. Undoubtedly, if you were to examine my life you would find sin. Undoubtedly, if we were to examine your life we would find sin. Undoubtedly, if we were to examine Ellen Degeneres’ life we would find sin. For some people, we don’t have to look very hard. For others we do. That isn...

Rethinking Church

A great little booklet for those who have given up on Church. Here is a copy of the Table of Contents: Reason #1: I don't believe in organized religion..........................3 Reason #2: I have my own way of connecting with God.................5 Reason #3: I got tired of the church always asking me for money.....8 Reason #4: My life situation changed, and I just never went back...10 Reason #5: I don't have to go to church to be a good person..........13 Reason #6: I'm too busy, and Sundays are my only time to rest......16 Reason #7: Church is boring...............................................18 Reason #8: The people tend to have their own cliques-I never fit in.20 Reason #9: Christians are judgmental and hypocritical................22 Reason #10 I don't think I'd be welcome anymore -I've done some bad stuff......................24 Why People Are Coming Back to Church.................................27 How Do I Go Back to Church?.....................

How do you relate to God?

The following is part of an ongoing conversation I am having with a friend via the internet. The friends started the conversation several weeks ago and we have sent messages back several times since then. While there might be some value in sharing the entire conversation with you, I would not feel comfortable with doing so unless both parties (my friend and I) agreed to do so. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to share my most recent response. (In order for you to understand the response you must first know that my friend has never made church attendance a priority in their life.) I would love to hear your comments/thoughts/questions. You are not bothering me at all. And I didn't mean to leave you hangin'. I really have been swamped and I want my response to be clear, so that means I have to think pretty hard :). I don't know which questions are burning hotter and need attention, but I will take a stab. Feel free to steer me toward other issues if you would lik...

The Promise of Baptism

When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”      -Acts 2:37-39 When God’s word is at work, as it obviously did through Peter’s preaching, there must be a response. God’s word always calls for a response. When the law quickens our spirit and awakens us to our hopelessness, we may respond with indifference, disbelief or repentance. Is repentance enough to be saved? Do we receive the Holy Spirit through repentance? Not according to this passage of Scripture! The promise spoken of by Peter is Christ’s promise of the Holy Spirit, which Peter links directly to the act of baptism. Through baptism we r...