Rethinking Church

A great little booklet for those who have given up on Church.

Here is a copy of the Table of Contents:
Reason #1: I don't believe in organized religion..........................3
Reason #2: I have my own way of connecting with God.................5
Reason #3: I got tired of the church always asking me for money.....8
Reason #4: My life situation changed, and I just never went back...10
Reason #5: I don't have to go to church to be a good person..........13
Reason #6: I'm too busy, and Sundays are my only time to rest......16
Reason #7: Church is boring...............................................18
Reason #8: The people tend to have their own cliques-I never fit in.20
Reason #9: Christians are judgmental and hypocritical................22
Reason #10 I don't think I'd be welcome anymore
-I've done some bad stuff......................24
Why People Are Coming Back to Church.................................27
How Do I Go Back to Church?..............................................30
More Tips on Going Back to Church......................................34
Recommended Reading....................................................37

As you can see from the table of contents, each section is very short, easy to read, and deals with many of the reasons why people have left the church.
Were there any that you identified with?
The book can be previewed online at: Rethink Church Booklet
and can be bought HERE.

I'm thinking about buying several to share with friends.


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