LQA: August 25, 2021 – 1 Kings 7:51-8:21

LQA: August 25, 2021 – 1 Kings 7:51-8:21

1. Actions have consequences. David wanted to build a temple for God, but the sin of David's life precluded him from doing so. Nonetheless, David honored God by storing up and dedicating treasures that would one day fill the temple.

2. God has no need for an earthly house, yet He desires to be found, to be seen, and to be known, so He locates Himself in a particular place (or object). This is why we say He is a good of means.

3. God is faithful. He will do what He has said He will do. It may be done through future generations, but God will keep His promises.

Which festival was taking place when the ark was brought into the temple for the first time?

For how long were the priests unable to do their work because of the cloud created by the Glory of the Lord?

What happened to the manna in a jar that was once placed into the ark of the covenant?

What blessing did the king give to the people? Was it the priestly blessings and if so, why?

God doesn't necessarily need me, but He desires for me to have a role to play in His saving work. This is both humbling and uplifting. This study is just one more point of emphasis God has placed before me regarding the need to be faithful to my calling as a Christian and a pastor. Choices have consequences. I know God can use me for His glory and the good of His people, and I want to be available to be used in that way, so I must protect my heart and mind from the ways of the world, and the desires of the flesh. I must seek God through the means He has made available to me (Word and Sacrament), so that He can renew and transform my mind. In this way, I will not miss out on the blessings and joy of seeing Him work in me and around me.


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