Acts 5:27-42 Big Idea

The Big Idea for this text seems to be that as followers of Christ we are called to stand up for our beliefs no matter what the cost.

According to "the proportion of the [American] population that can be classified as Christian has declined from 86% in 1990 to 77% in 2001" (ARIS Study as cited by
How is it possible for a 2007 CNN Poll to show that 50% of Americans consider themselves Pro-life, yet abortion is still legal in the United States?
How is it possible for 77% of Americans to claim to be Christian, yet:
...we have constant arguments in our cities (and court systems) regarding the appropriateness of posting the Ten Commandments.
...we can't agree on whether or not to teach "Intelligent Design" in public schools.
...we have cities removing religious decorations during "Christian" holidays like Christmas.
...we have an almost endless battle over the role of prayer in school

Is it because Christians have quit standing up for what they believe?
Is it because Christians have quit knowing what they believe?
Is it because Christians have shied away from fighting battles that may lead to personal sacrifice or suffering?


Today, through His Word, God is calling us to repentance for our love of comfort, convenience and consolation over Christ.

Without Christ this life has no meaning. Without Christ nothing we do will bear the test of time, nothing. Without Christ we have no hope for the future, no hope for peace, no hope for wisdom, no hope for prosperity, no hope for eternity.

Without Christ you and I are lost in our sins, we are condemned and will suffer God's wrath at the final judgment and endure eternity in Hell. Yet God loved you too much to leave you in your sins. In Christ He is wooing you back to Him. In Christ He has made a way to be with Him. In Christ He has made full satisfaction for your sin; not because you were worthy, but because He was worthy.

Christ has redeemed you, are you willing to receive Him?
Christ died for you, are you willing to live for Him?
Christ has stood by you, will you stand up for Him?

Will you receive His gift of eternal life?
Do you recognize your need for Christ's forgiveness. Can you see the depth of your sin and how it seperates you from God and others around you? You don't have to live in that sin anymore, for God's love is deeper than your sin. His grace is sufficient for Christ death has already paid for your sin. Call out to God in your heart and received Christ as Savior and King.

Will you follow Christ today?
Will you honor His life and death by living according to His good, perfect, and pleasing will. Will you forsake the sins you enjoy for the sake of Christ, who died for those sins. Will you turn from selfish living and begin to live for God. Will you commit your heart to Him, as He has committed Himself to you?

Will you stand up for Him to defend His reign over both heaven and earth? Will you stand up for Him at your work? Will you stand up for Him in your families? Will you stand up for Him at your schools? Will you defend Him, His love, His rule, His Word?

To truly be a disciple of Christ, one must follow Christ. Not only follow where he went, but follow the example he set and the instructions he left. Your following Christ becomes a public acknowledgment of Christ's power in your life.

Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it" (Luke 9:23-24).

Christ has redeemed you, are you willing to receive Him?
Christ died for you, are you willing to live for Him?
Christ has stood by you, will you stand up for Him?


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